Meet The Staff
- W. Grant Lewis, PWS, NCLSS (#1233) - Mr. Lewis has 30 years of progressive experience in the environmental field, including extensive experience with stream and wetland restoration from site identification to design/implementation, construction management, and post-construction monitoring. In 1998, Mr. Lewis served as Senior Project Manager for one of the first N.C. Wetlands Restoration Program wetland restoration projects, Howell Woods (located in the Neuse River floodplain). Since then, Mr. Lewis has managed over 150 restoration feasibility studies, more than 70 detailed mitigation plans, and implemented more than implemented greater than 80,000 linear feet of stream restoration and 600 acres of wetland restoration. Mr. Lewis is a Licensed Soil Scientist for the State of North Carolina and has completed Levels I through IV (Rosgen) training in natural stream design. Mr. Lewis also has extensive experience in the environmental field conducting natural systems surveys, permit application preparations (nationwide, individual, and CAMA permits), ecological assessments and/or natural systems reports including field delineations, protected species surveys, and soils mapping including mapping of 42,000 acres of soils in the Coastal Plain of Georgia for timber companies. Mr. Lewis holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Colorado State University. He started Axiom in 2004.
- Alexander P. (Sandy) Smith, PWS - Mr. Smith has a 35-year professional background in the environmental consulting field that includes experience in wetland and stream delineation, wetland and stream functional assessment, protected species surveys, natural systems documentation, permitting, and wetland restoration. Mr. Smith was part of the NC WAM and NC SAM development teams. Mr. Smith assisted with the development and testing of both methods, in addition to the production of a user manual for each. Mr. Smith is currently instructing agency representatives and consultants on NC WAM and NC SAM and consultants on the NCDWR stream identification method. Mr. Smith has managed ten mitigation feasibility studies, three detailed wetland mitigation plans, and over 200 ecological assessments and/or natural system reports in support of transportation corridor alignments, commercial and private developments, and municipality expansions. Mr. Smith is experienced in obtaining all levels of Section 404 permits (Individual, General, and Nationwide permits), Section 401 Water Quality Certification, U.S. Coast Guard permits, riparian buffer authorizations, and N.C. Coastal Area Management Act permits and consistency reviews. He has managed or assisted with projects in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, West Virginia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Mr. Smith holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Davidson College and a Master of Science degree from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. He has been with Axiom since 2008.
- Corri L. Faquin - Ms. Faquin has 18 years of experience in the environmental consulting field including extensive experience with environmental permitting including management of the NCDOT Design-Build Permit Program, natural resources investigations and documentation, and stream/wetland/buffer restoration and monitoring. Ms. Faquin has completed Levels I and II (Rosgen) training in natural stream design. She has completed over 60 natural systems studies in support of transportation corridor alignments, commercial and private developments, and municipality expansions, including jurisdictional area delineations, protected species surveys, natural community mapping, document preparation, and agency concurrence. In addition, Ms. Faquin has conducted mitigation site searches that covered greater than 20 counties, and completed more than 75 mitigation site feasibility studies, 40 detailed restoration plans and permits, and management of post-construction monitoring at greater than 70 mitigation sites. Ms. Faquin holds a Bachelor of Science degree from North Carolina State University and has been with Axiom Environmental since 2005.
- Scott G. Davis - Mr. Davis has a 20-year professional background in the environmental consulting field that includes continued experience in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis, manipulation, and mapping; wetland and stream delineation; protected species surveys; natural systems documentation; jurisdictional area and natural community mapping; environmental permitting; and wetland and stream functional assessments. Mr. Davis continues to evolve his skill sets with innovative project approaches. His GIS experience includes providing training data for model incorporation and providing field-collected data for model results assessments; jurisdictional area and natural community mapping; watershed mapping; aerial photograph interpolation; impact calculations; and georeferencing of historic or unreferenced photographs and mapping. Mr. Davis is experienced in obtaining all levels of Section 404 permits (Individual, General, and Nationwide permits), Section 401 Water Quality Certifications, U.S. Coast Guard permits, riparian buffer authorizations, and N.C. Coastal Area Management Act permits and consistency reviews. Mr. Davis has managed multiple ecological assessments, natural system reports, and supportive field investigations, and has managed or assisted with projects in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland, Virginia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Since 2017, he has supported the NCDOT ATLAS project as the manager of the environmental mapping group. Mr. Davis holds a Bachelor of Science degree from North Carolina State University and has been with Axiom Environmental since 2008.
- Kenan Jernigan - Kenan Jernigan has 13 years of experience in the environmental consulting industry. Most of his experience lies in stream and wetland mitigation site identification, design, construction management, and monitoring. He also has extensive experience with riparian buffer and nutrient offset mitigation. He has managed and/or contributed to over 40 successful mitigation site implementations and closeouts. In addition to mitigation work, Kenan has extensive experience in 401 Water Quality Certifications, 404 permitting, and natural systems studies including jurisdictional area delineations, protected species surveys, natural community mapping, document preparation, and agency concurrence. He is proficient with ArcGIS and Microstation computer-aided design software. He has completed the NCDWR Surface Water Identification Training and Certification, North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method training, and North Carolina Stream Assessment Method training. Kenan holds a Bachelor’s in Environmental Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and is currently working toward an Undergraduate Certificate in Soil Science from North Carolina State University with the goal of eventual state soil science licensure. Outside of work, Kenan enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife and dog. He has been with Axiom since 2010.
- Phillip Perkinson - Mr. Perkinson has 14 years of experience in the environmental consulting field. Mr. Perkinson has extensive experience conducting jurisdictional area delineations, protected species surveys and mitigation site assessments throughout North Carolina. He has also identified and help implement numerous mitigation sites. His primary role at Axiom is the management of mitigation site monitoring efforts as well as the day-to-day operations. He has completed NCDWR Surface Water Identification Training, North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method training, and North Carolina Stream Assessment Method training. He is proficient with ArcGIS and Trimble software and has extensive experience with Topcon surveying equipment. Mr. Perkinson maintains a Class A North Carolina Well Drillers license. Mr. Perkinson holds a Bachelor of Science from Western Carolina University and has been with Axiom Environmental since 2009. Outside of work he enjoys cycling and spending time at the Pamlico River with his wife and dogs.
- Allison Keith - Ms. Keith has 9 years of experience in the environmental industry. She assists with all field activities including wetlands and stream delineations, riparian buffer determinations, protected species surveys, and mitigation site monitoring. She has extensive experience with natural systems documentation, GIS analysis, manipulation, and mapping, as well as obtaining Section 404 permits (Individual, General, and Nationwide permits), Section 401 Water Quality Certifications, and riparian buffer authorizations. She has completed the NCDWR Surface Water Identification training and is certified in the North Carolina Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM) and North Carolina Stream Assessment Method (NC SAM). She earned a Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Biology in 2010 from Lees-McRae College in Banner Elk, NC. While in college, she was an avid member of the women’s soccer team. In her free time, she enjoys sailing, traveling, and spending time with her chickens. Her desire to explore outdoors has fostered her love for botany, ecology, and conservation. She has been with Axiom since 2015.
- Madeline Adams - Maddie Adams joined Axiom Environmental in January 2021. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Technology and Management from North Carolina State University in December 2018. During her time at school, she took part in several research projects, including the study of the pollination of endangered plants in North Carolina and research on the effects of sea level rise on coastal wetlands. After graduation, she worked in pond and stormwater management for two years before finding her way to Axiom. Since then, Maddie has spent her time managing mitigation sites across the state, assisting in wetland delineations, and doing Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys. She has also been certified in North Carolina’s Surface Water Identification and NC Wetland Assessment (NC WAM) courses. In her spare time, Maddie enjoys exploring new places with her dog, Juno, going to breweries, and helping coach NC State women’s rugby team.
- Alex Smith - Mr. Smith has been with Axiom since 2016, gaining a wealth of experience in stream and wetland mitigation and natural systems work. He has experience in mitigation site monitoring, protected species surveys, wetland and stream delineations, GPS data analysis, GIS analysis, land surveying, and document preparation. He is certified in the NC Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM), NC Stream Assessment Method (NC SAM), and NCDWR Surface Water Identification Training. Mr. Smith graduated from Appalachian State University with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Biology and Ecology. When not at work, he enjoys backpacking, climbing, and spending time in the mountains of North Carolina.
- Addison Heidur-Metour - Mr. Heider-Metour, a Raleigh native, joined Axiom Environmental in August of 2023. His relevant background includes several roles in land surveying and construction. Currently pursuing an Associates in Science degree at Wake Technical Community College, he aspires to transfer to NC State University for a Bachelor of Science. Beyond work, he's an avid backpacker, guitarist, skateboarder, and passionate herpetology enthusiast, exploring reptile habitats across the state.